So why is Google doing this? Probably because it’s a Win for them, no matter which way Google Me goes. If it flies, they win. If it fails, they can still win. Now, how is that possible?
First, if it does fly and becomes a real competitor to Facebook, the spoils are obvious. More eyeballs, further Web dominance, plus a brand new avenue for their very lucrative advertising programs. But, how would they benefit if it fails?
Even if it goes down the tubes, they get one thing they are always after – behavior data. And they’ll get it in spades. Let’s say they only get 1 million people to sign up and participate on their platform. That’s a pretty good sample for reliable marketing, and market, research.
Facebook is already benefitting from the HUGE amount of knowledge they’ve built up from their members declaring exactly what they like, their political preference, what they don’t line and even their ‘orientation’.
If Google could add similar data to their already huge storehouse of search behavior, they’ll have a huge advantage for serving their ads. They’ll know that much more about targeting messages, services and products to the right person.
So what if Google Me dies after a few years of comparatively low use? They’ll still walk away with a mountain of data to use and benefit from in the years ahead. They may take a loss on one hand, but the other hand, Advertising, will make up for that. And fast.