Bounce Rate is part of the SEO, and internet marketing, world that’s pivotal to your profitability on line.
It’s the measurement of visitors who land on your site and then leave without going any further.
If you lose that business consistently, it’s deeply affecting your bottom line. It’s also a ranking factor that could be bringing you down, damaging you further.
Most think of your homepage as the only entrance, but that just isn’t true.
If you look at your Analytics data you’ll see that traffic arrives on a variety of your pages, though the home page will probably dominate.
What can you do to bring that bounce rate down and keep these potential customers on-site?
I was going to write something on this, but then realized I’d already written an article a while back that is still 100% relevant.
You’ll learn what the right bounce rate is plus concrete steps on how to improve it right now. Read it here: